Charity: Rainbows over Sochi

tl;dr: I don’t agree with the Olympic Games taking place in a country that represses homosexual persons, so I’m going to knit a rainbow colored shawl / scarf / whatever and give it away for LGBT charity.

Let’s get started

Project „Rainbows Over Sochi“ starts *now*.

I will knit Veera Välimäki’s Stripe Study Shawl – this example is from idesofmarch

from two balls of „Frische Fische“

The Raffle

One ticket costs 5€. You can buy more than one, then your chances at winning will be greater.

Please donate the money to a LGBT charity and send proof in the form of emails / screenshots / whatever to

I will run a list of donations, so please let me know under what name you want to appear in the public list (yes, „anonymous“ is an option^^)

The raffle is closed as soon as the Closing Ceremony is over, and I will randomly draw the winning ticket ASAP.

Now what?

The Olympic Games run from February 7 to February 23, so that’s my knitting time.

I’ll post daily updates here, and on Ravelry: dannyKay’s Rainbows Over Sochi (it’s still a bit bare…).

If you don’t have a favorite charity, my friend Lara has listed a few on her blog.

If you have questions, let me know in the comments or on Twitter: danielaKayB.

Comments: 5

  1. Daniel J 29. Januar 2014 at 12:28 Reply

    Awesome Idea! How about you propose some well-suited LGBT-themed charities though?

    • DanielaKayB 29. Januar 2014 at 12:36 Reply

      I hope that some of my more educated readers will suggest a few charities. Then I’ll list them here 🙂

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