Wearable Hardware – the School Scarf

I’ve been eyeing adafruit’s wearable hardware components for a while now, especially since my company offered support to anyone who’d bring more hardware knowhow to the table \o/

Yesterday, I talked to my mother, the topic somehow migrated to this hardware stuff, and the next thing we knew, we had specified my first project: the School Scarf.

The basic idea is a scarf with LEDs which change colors when the classroom is too loud.

I expanded this with the requirement that it should be possible to set the „normal“ color of the LEDs to a particular value, thus for example matching it to the rest of the outfit.


  • scarf with colorchanging LEDs
  • noise sensor, triggers color change to „alarm color“ if noise exceeds a certain value
  • color sensor, triggers color change to „normal color“
  • microcontroller

Basically, the scarf will be a mashup between the Chameleon Scarf and the LED Ampli-Tie

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I’ll keep you up to date!

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